1 in 6
Men experience abuse in the US
1 in 4
Women experience abuse in the US
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Women experience abuse in AZ
People a minute are abused

A nonprofit that helps Protect. Prevent. and Educate victims of domestic violence
End the violence now.
If you’ve made it to this page, it’s probably for a reason. Whether it is you personally being abused, or you’re worried for the safety of a close person in your life, know that you have come to a safe place. Know also, that you are not alone. The horrifying truth is that in Arizona, 42.6% of women experience intimate partner physical violence, sexual assault, or stalking (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence). If you yourself are not included in this group, you very likely know and love many women who are affected by domestic violence. These situations are not to be taken lightly. No matter how your abuser might try to convince you to stay in the relationship, that this time would really be the last time; no matter how apologetic they are after hurting you. The truth is that true, pure, whole love does not hurt. It does not leave us with deep purple bruises or swollen-shut eyes. It does not close our throats up so that we are silenced. We may truly love the people who hurt us in these ways, but we also know that these people cannot love us in the same way. Our abuser may have had a difficult past. Their personal story may evoke sympathy from the most tender parts of our hearts, but it’s important to recognize that allowing another person to actively harm us, is doing a disservice to both ourselves and our abusers. If you have had to ask yourself, “should I leave?” on more than one occasion, you might already have your answer.


Here at Intended Hope we strive to connect with and protect victims of domestic violence in
Southern Arizona. We are a group of domestic violence survivors dedicated to reaching out to the
people in our communities suffering alone from domestic abuse. We aim to provide community and a
safe haven of support for victims who have no where else to go. As a team of people personally
affected by domestic violence, we offer unique and personal insight on the issue, providing a space
of particular understanding for victims. We work to educate and prevent domestic violence by
reaching out to the community and offering our services to anyone who needs it.